3 Old-school Outbound Marketing Tactics that always Works

Outbound Marketing-It’s time to go back to old school

Even though many marketers proclaim inbound to be the new black, outbound marketing methods are more powerful than ever. Outbound has maintained its fastest and most efficient go-to-market approach, even evolving to incorporate modern best practices.

When it comes to B2B marketing, it’s difficult to conceive a successful plan without an outbound approach. Text message campaigns, email campaigns, and cold calling are all outbound channels that can help you create more quality leads, close deals, and increase revenue—but only when they’re well-tailored and handled.

This article will discuss how outbound marketing is still result-oriented and how to create outbound marketing strategies and select outbound marketing channels to superpower your lead generation process.

What is an Old-school Approach to Lead Generation?

Many individuals dread cold outreach, which is reaching out to someone you don’t already have a relationship with. Cold calling, cold emails to mass audiences, or Texting people with your offer who have never been in conversation with your organization are now treated like an old school approach because of increasing Social media reach and negative responses from people on unknown communication. So many people dislike cold outreach, it turns out that it can be a surprisingly efficient way to reach out to new customers. Why?

Because it’s a rare occurrence, and in business, if something is unusual, it usually indicates a market for it. Of course, you must conduct your cold outbound marketing properly, but if you’re seeking new clients, you can’t afford to leave any stone unturned.

Why is Outbound marketing always a Rising Star?

The holy grail of customer acquisition, according to online marketing, is flipping a switch and watching leads walk through the door. However, such a fairytale vision is becoming increasingly unusual and very difficult to realize.

  • More than 60% of marketers have experienced that their Facebook ads are ineffective.
  • PPC ads have less than a 2% display conversion rate.
  • Most of the Emails you got are being ignored as SPAM or not entertained as a priority.
  • Social media is also started becoming too much noisy.
  • Search Engine Optimization is on everybody’s priority list but has a dependency on varied factors.

Then, what is there that helps you produce immediate results and lead generation?

Outbound Marketing – where you can remove your dependency on consumer action, rapid actions can be taken, volume can be maximized, and performance can be tracked, analyzed, and revised.

3 Revenue Generating Old-school Outbound Approaches

Technologies keep growing day by day, and trends constantly change, but basics are always productive and fruitful. Every technology and trend have their life cycles where they have stages when they are on the pick, and at some stage, their performances decline as trends are going down, and hence such things stop generating revenue for your business.

When your business faces such low revenue generation, it’s an alarm to go back to old-school and stick to the basics.

Here are the three channels that always helps you keep your ROI positive:

Cold Calling with an Auto Dialer:

When you need to understand what your customers think about the product or service you are offering, you need to get in conversation with them. The best way to start a conversation with them is to call them and talk to them directly. But, picking up a phone and dialing calls can be time-consuming and less productive. That is where you need a Cloud Predictive Dialer, which can help you make multiple calls at a time and connects you with the only human answered calls to keep your sales team busy with productive calls only.

Reason Why Old-school Cold Calling is still in Fashion

Reasons why cold calling is still effective

  • A returned phone call will give you fast feedback on whether or not a prospect is worth pursuing.
  • It’s all too easy for emails to be ignored, filtered out, or sent to the spam or if they are opened, ignored due to a “mass email” vibe.
  • While younger sales professionals prefer digital connections, older and more senior decision-makers may respond better to a telephone interaction.

Cold Emails to Mass Audience

Prospecting by email is not spam. However, if you’re not careful, your outreach may come off to your clients as spammy. That’s because almost all spam is composed of cold emails. And, as a result, perfectly fine, non-spammy cold outreach is frequently tarnished by association. However, there is a significant distinction between unpleasant spam emails that target everyone and one-to-one targeted cold emails that target a specific group.

Although cold email prospecting is unsolicited, it is not inherently unwelcome or sent in volume. A cold email can be just as well-received as any other email in an inbox if done correctly. If your cold email prospecting isn’t working, you’ve probably done something wrong.

Common mistakes in cold emails

Text Messaging with Systematic A2P Platform

Emails can go unread for days, and phone calls may go ignored, but text messages are virtually always read right away.

Did you know that around 6-% of cell phone owners continuously check their phones for messages, notifications, or calls, even if they aren’t aware that their phone is ringing or vibrating?

Yes, it is correct!

And no one can deny the fact that texting is not just for teenagers. Facts say that more than 75% of mobile users are actively using text messages, and it’s friendly to every age group.

The point is, SMS marketing is unappreciated and undervalued. But there’s a catch to everything good.

Things to keep in mind while planning a Text message Campaign:

  • Text-message marketing that sends unwanted messages is neither ethical nor lawful. What you need is a written opt-in is required.
  • You just need to use a Text message service platform that allows you to run your campaign entirely from your computer. LeadsRain’s Rich Text Message solution provides precise statistics, enabling you to track each conversion process step, beginning with the initial delivery and opening.
  • Consider your distinct groupings of contacts and their interests when segmenting and sending. Always send actionable and valuable material to your recipients.

The Golden Takeaway from Old-School..!!

Things keep changing and getting newer versions and approaches, but those proved and practical ones are the basics of any business. Every marketer knows that you have to open the old one when each new door is closed to let the business come in. Getting back to Old-school approaches always gives you confidence that helps you boost your business the way you want. It’s as simple as the Roots of the tree, which always keeps the tree alive.

To know more about how Old-school outbound marketing techniques can help you revitalize your business, connect with our team at support@leadsrain.com or schedule your demo today to get started..!!

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