23 Awesome Ready To Use SMS Templates for Network Marketing Campaign

Ready to Use Templates for Network Marketing Text message Campaign

What’s the most confusing but an important part when you are planning a Text Message Campaign?

Obviously it’s what you will say in your Text message i.e., your message template. Most people stuck at this step and sometimes this confusion results in a negative ROI of the campaign.

But, what if you get some ready to use templates which kicks out your confusion? It will be Cherry on the Cake I think.

This time we are here to discuss another most important factor in Text Message Campaign for Network Marketing. That is the Message Template you send to your prospect.

Let’s discuss.

How to Create the perfect Network Marketing SMS Templates?

Creating a text message template is different than creating a calling script. The first thing that you will come across while drafting SMS templates is the lack of real utilization of 160 characters, and that’s it. That’s your drawing board. many look at it as a disadvantage. but if approached with the right aim, SMS marketing is really powerful.

So what marketing goal does bulk text messages fulfill?

It gives you a hook. Yup the short length of the message works in your favor. You have no point. And so is your hook.

So without further ado, let’s dive into how to craft the perfect text message template.

You must be aware of the below-mentioned buckets while drafting an SMS template. It is okay if your template does not encompass all the elements all the time.


The goal is a very crucial part. This is the bucket that you must not miss. Figuring out what you want is the first step. Here you want to bring people into your network marketing, right? That’s your overarching goal. A finale, so to speak. Now comes the difficult part, figuring out what you want from your text.

From what we have seen in network marketing, it is always better to have a conversation rather than pitch. Draft your message that helps start a conversation.

Self Branding

Remember when you narrate a funny incident to your friends or family, you have your style. That style is very crucial to creating your personal brand in network marketing. Self Branding is what sets you apart and is the differentiator in multi-level marketing. Make sure to incorporate your style into your templates. Use your personal voice.

Also Read: Tele-Calling Scripts for Sanitization Lead Generation Campaign


This is the outline bucket, it sorta gives you a theme. Take this outline with a pinch of salt, you may find them overlapping or just plain old not suitable for your business. And it’s okay! You and your business are both unique. Three themes keep recurring in SMS hooks.

1. Curiosity Hook

Think of it as a fishing tactic, your message primarily invokes curiosity.

2. Value Hook

You provide value to your recipient.

3. Introduction Hook

You introduce yourself and your business.

Ready to use Text Message Templates

Warm hooks

While starting network marketing, you are more likely to draw up a list of people you know. This is the first step in stepping into network marketing. These templates hence are designed to facilitate an ice breaker and get the ball rolling.

I would love to have you look at my new business.”

Are you still unsatisfied with your job?
I came across a low-risk business opportunity for us.”

“Are you still looking for a side hustle without risking your job?
I may have found something that might work with you.”

Remember our conversation about _______ (unhappy situation).
I think I found a solution to it.”

I found a hustle that pays well, come swing by this weekend.”

You may remember me as ______ (your previous/current job role), but that’s not enough to make ends meet. Found an amazing side income stream that does.” – this works amazing for past colleagues.

“You were one of the first people I thought about when I came across this opportunity.
Take a look.”

“Found a business opportunity that might interest you. Call me when you get free.”

“Hey XXXX, remember you wanted to diversify your income streams? I found a low-risk opportunity that might allow you to do just that. Take a look.”

Also Read: Ready to use Ringless Voicemail Scripts to Kickstart your Marketing Campaign

You are one of the smartest street smart people I know. I would love it if you could take a look at this business opportunity once.”

“I started a new business that I want you to look at. Do let me know your thoughts on it”

“Hey, there was an opportunity that I wanted to run by you. I am new to it and would appreciate your guidance”

“Hey, I know you are pretty streetsmart. Would you help me poke holes in my business idea?”

“Hey, there was an opportunity that I wanted your opinion on.”

“Hey, I have set up a new business. If you are up for it, I have a good opportunity for you.”

“Hey, I finally found a steady side income stream!”

Cold Hooks

Are you looking for a change in career direction?”

Want to have your cake and eat it too?”

“Want to do business without leaving your job?”

“Want to make an additional income from home?”

“Hey, have you ever thought about working for yourself?
I have an opportunity you would love”

“Want an opportunity that doesn’t need huge commitment?”

I have an opportunity that lets you dip your toes before jumping. Call XXXX to find more.”

Now that you have scripts you can have a custom Do It Yourself campaign for your business.

Run your Network Marketing Campaign with LeadsRain Text Message Service

Do It Yourself Campaign

We learn by doing things & we trust by seeing results. So we brought you this DIY snippet that walks you through the complete campaign. It shows original results that are yours!

You can try SMS for your Network Marketing Campaign by following the steps below.

Step 1 – Join our platform by logging in here.
Step 2 – Verify your number via OTP and get 100 credits free.
Step 3 – Navigate to your RTM Panel.
Step 4 – Create your campaign.
Step 5 – Upload your leads.
Step 6 – Sit back and Relax.

If you are reading, you likely know, Check this awesome article on how important rich text messaging is for your networking marketing. We did talks about leveraging text marketing for network marketing lead generation.

Support Setting Up

If you need help setting up your campaign, you can connect with our support team at support@leadsrain.com or buzz us on chat support.

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