The Legal Framework of the Business environment is getting tightened up day by day with new compliance guidelines and technological lawsuits introduced by FCC and TCPA. One of the significant challenges against marketers looking to run outbound marketing campaigns is how to set up legally compliant Campaigns.
Ringless voicemail has different rules and guidelines in various states like Florida, Texas, California, Maryland, etc. In this scenario, a marketer using Ringless voicemail has to be careful while setting up the campaign to be legally compliant to avoid any legal issues.
In most locations, Ringless voicemails are legal, although they can be contentious, as can any high-volume commercial approach. Ensure that you follow all local and federal requirements. You should also be aware of do-not-call lists and timezone constraints.
Let us discuss here some of the tips that help you set up the Compliant campaign.
Tips for setting up a Legally compliant Ringless Voicemail Campaign
Use only Opt-in Data:
As per FCC guidelines, you cannot reach those customers who have not authorized you to contact them with your marketing offers and messages. So it is one of the first steps that you use only Opt-in leads that have already shown interest in your business and permitted you to send updates.
Make sure you have an Opt-out option:
If you only work on Opt-in leads, that means you will not be able to set outreach for cold leads, but what if you do not have Opt-in leads? Then you can send voicemails to cold leads, but here, you need to give them the option to opt-out so they do not get bothered by continuous contact from the marketer’s side.
Take Inbound calls if anyone calls back:
Customers typically file complaints when they callback the number from which they received a voicemail and find that there is no answer, the number is not available, or the number is not operating. To avoid this, use a legitimate caller ID to deliver Ringless voicemails on which you can take inbound calls and update their Interest level or feedback when someone phones back.
Use Caller ID registered with the Brand:
Use a caller ID where it shows the Brand name so the receivers can identify the caller and know the purpose of communication. If you do not want to disclose the company number, you can mask the number with purchased caller IDs, and when receivers call back, that call gets transferred to your company number.
Do not use it like Cold Calls:
Ringless voicemail is not cold calling. Please do not send it in bulk to an unknown audience to stay away from compliance issues. Use a proper target audience and Warm leads if possible, so they know what the communication is about as they already had a conversation with your company before about the same.
Create your Voicemail Script carefully:
Most of the time, issues happen as the person who received a voicemail can not understand what the voicemail is all about. In return, they register it as Spam. To avoid such things, you need to craft your ringless voicemail script very carefully. It should be short and crisp, but it must engage the listener and pass the message you want to deliver.
Choose a service provider who can guide you through:
Above all, you must choose the service provider who can guide you throughout your campaign journey. When looking for a service provider for ringless voicemails, these are the questions to ask. If you are running global campaigns, a corporate representative should educate you on how to stay in compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), state and federal regulations, and local legislation in other countries.
Campaigns you can Plan with Ringless Voicemail
While using Ringless voicemail, you must understand the purpose of your campaign. Every channel can not run all types of campaigns. The selection of channels varies from campaign to campaign. You can not plan a cold outreach campaign with Ringless voicemail, but some campaigns can work best with it.
Let us take a look at which type of campaign works most with Ringless voicemail:
Announcements to Existing Clients:
Sending any notifications regarding offers and upcoming products or updates in existing products is the best you can plan with Ringless voicemail. You can send your message to your target audience, and they can listen to it when they have the time.
Payment or Renewal Reminders:
Many companies frequently need to send reminders regarding payments or renewal of subscriptions. Such companies can set up these kinds of campaigns with Ringless voicemail.
Appointment bookings and Reminders:
Mostly, the Doctors Lawyers, and other service providers who work on appointments, use this service to set up the meetings or to give reminders to clients about their appointments before a few days and on the day of the appointment.
Holiday or Anniversary Greetings to your Existing clients:
Wishing Birthdays Anniversaries and holidays is a part of customer relationship management that can not be missed, but you can not depend on postcards or written correspondence in this era. You have to plan it like it can be delivered to clients wherever they are. Here Ringless voicemail can also do wonders if you plan it well.
Promotional offers for Brand loyal customers:
Every organization has its own time and festivals when they launch their promotional offers to boost sales and get them successful. It is only possible when customers know about such offers. You can create awareness among customers about such offers through Ringless voicemail.
Debt Collection Campaign:
Debt collectors need to send frequent reminders to their customers. But that should be in such a way that should not disturb the genuine customers, it should sound like a genuine reminder. Here they can leverage Ringless voicemail technology to set up such campaigns.

Any communication you do with your existing or prospective customer is not illegal, but the way you do it can be an issue. While planning such communication, you must know the do’s and don’t of such communication channels and the right way to set up the campaigns.
Ringless voicemail is an excellent way to connect with your audience, but the only thing is you have to use it smartly and systematically. To know more about setting up a Ringless voicemail campaign, connect with our experts at and book your demo today.