Ready to use Ringless Voicemail Scripts to Kickstart your Marketing Campaign

Ready to use ringless voicemail scripts

Ringless Voicemail is an excellent tool for follow-ups and generating callbacks. A crucial part of any ringless voicemail is what kind of message you deliver and how communicative it is. We observed that most of those who use Ringless Voicemail are getting success due to the well-drafted Script and those who are not getting success also due to the badly drafted script. So looking at the importance of the Ringless Voicemail scripts, We have compiled a list of tried and tested templates to help you achieve the right message every single time to generate 10x more callbacks. Tweak all the templates for your needs to provide excellent customer experience to your clients.

Basic Ringless Voicemail Template

This template caters to a broad audience. We suggest using it only as a last resort. As a thumb rule, You should always use a tailored voicemail.

“Hello, I am [Your Name] from [Company Name].
I’m calling because [Reason for Calling].
So please call me back on [Your Number]
I would love to discuss more on a call so that you get [benefit]
Again This is [Your Name], and the number is [Your Number],
Thanks and Have a great day!”

Script for Auto-Dealership

“Hi, This is [Your Name] from [Your Dealership].

We are having a community meet at our location, come swing by our dealership for delicious free barbeque and good company. Additionally, you can mention this Voicemail and avail [Discount offer or any other offer] on any purchases you make!

We will book you a seat!

For more details, you can contact me on my number [Your Number]
Good Day!”

Script for Cold Outreach Voicemails

Cold Calling is dead, and the world has moved to marketing automation. But if you still cold call, send this RVM if the lead doesn’t pick up.

“Hey, this is [Your Name] calling from [Company Name]. I was hoping to connect with the decision-maker for [Your Product] in your business.

If the concerned person can call me back at [Your Number], we can discuss how [Your Company] can mean an excellent opportunity for you.
I look forward to the call. Have a good day!”

Script for Event or Trade Show

“Hi [Lead Name],

I am [Your Name] from [Your Company].

We spoke at [Event Name] about [Problem You Solve].

I talked with my colleagues {or alternatively, “I gave it a bit more thought”}, and I would like to run my thoughts through you.

My number is [Your Number], give me a call back when you get free.
Good Day!”

Voicemail Script for Finance

“Hi, This is [Your Name] from [Your Company].

We have updated our screening for home loans.

You are eligible for our home loan at just [Your Offer] you can call me on my number [Your Number].

You can avail your loan till [Date].

For further queries, you can call me on my number.

Again the Number is [Your Number].

Thank You!
Have a nice day!”

Script for Insurance

“Hey, This is [Your Name] from [Your company].

We are deeply concerned about the loss you make by [Reason of loss].

We stand by your side in this moment of loss. Claim up to 100% of your insurance or start a new insurance plan by reaching us back on [Your Number]

Thanks and Have a Blessed Day.”

No Show Voicemail Script

For candidates or prospects not turning up or not calling back.

“Hi [Lead Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company].

We were expecting [a word/callback/ meeting] on [Date and Time] but unfortunately, we didn’t hear back from you. It looks like we missed you.

If not then Kindly callback on my number [Your Number] and we can take it from there.
Thanks and Have a good day!”

Voicemail Script for Mortgage

“Hey [Lead Name], this is the manager of funds at [Your Company].

This Voicemail is to notify you that your payment of [Amount] is due for this month. The last date to pay without incurring extra cost is [Date].

For further assistance, call us at [Your Number].
Thank You.”

Also Read: Ringless Voicemail for Real Estate Industry

Real Estate Voicemail Script

“Hey, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company].

I just sold a house in your area [Area Name] and got more than the asking price. If you plan to sell or buy in the area, do let me know! We believe in brokering a win-win deal for all the parties involved.

You can call me back on [Your Number] or contact my firm directly at [Companies Number]
Have a great day!”

Triggered Voicemail

For when a lead performs specific trigger actions like say download content from your website.

“Hey! I noticed that you downloaded the [Topic] [Ebook/Template/Kit/Webinar] from our [Website/Blog].

If you have time, I would love to discuss [Topic] for your business and the solutions we at [Your Company] can provide.
Thank you”

You can also browse through some other Ringless Voicemail scripts here. Also, check out our Voicemail Service by signing up for a free voicemail trial.

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