10 Ways to scale the unscalable for bagging in precious customers for life!


Scaling the unscalable is where all the action is – Gary Vee


Start off with this

Always keep in mind to build a healthy, long-lasting relationship with all your leads, without any other agenda in head. Commit to making a relationship, and bring that commitment into execution daily, regardless of how less promising you think the visitor or lead is. Be authentic, tactful and transparent. This will pave a way to very fruitful and easy relationship with the lead in the future to come. 

Be the first one to give

Initiate good deeds to your customer when unasked and unexpected. Provide guidance and information that your customer wouldn’t get otherwise. This is a great way to leverage yourself from other competitors, most importantly with this, your customers will let go of little missteps here and there.


Don’t just be a vendor

Be a part of their journey, accompany them on their journey with your service and attitude. Be their partner and not just providers of service. Realise that you grow with the growth of your customer and act like that. When along with providing the best of your services, you make your customer feel at home, they will let pass instances of dissatisfaction many times. What more would one need?

Improve your customer service

It all comes down to this, sales executives and representatives are the ones that collide head-on with the customers, the ones who actually sell the idea and product to the target audience and move them further along the sales funnel. I have written a series of blogs that will help you understand how can you enrich your customer support team to help bag customers for life.

You can find them here:

What are the benefits of sales enablement optimization,

How we at LeadsRain optimize sales enablement and

Key benefits of Sales Enablement Optimization.

Make your customer demanding

Make your customers accustomed to good service, discounts, schemes tailored for them, exceptional customer service. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that you go against your budget planning. And fulfill demands that will only bug you, in the long run, think of this as stock investments, and you aren’t supposed to be myopic here. This will keep your customers from going to your competitors as they may not entertain the thing those customers are accustomed to asking.

Empathize with your customers

Again, very important, this point may sound cliched and overrated, but the truth in this fact wouldn’t go anywhere, no matter what you do or what you are dealing with it is the human psyche that you’re dealing with. Make your customers be heard and tell them the things they want to hear, assure them of the services your products produce to give and the support after the deal is made. Treat them like you would want yourself to be treated.

Why should they be your customers anyway?
Sell your USP after knowing what could be sold as one for eg.,

We are Dairy Bell Bakers; we use the finest of wheat bought all the way from the dense fields of Australia that are harvested to perfection with love, to give just the right texture and taste. We bring to bread baked golden daily, at just $2 a loaf also get a free cup of coffee on takeaways on weekdays!

Aim for a second sale

According to Brian Tracy, it is ten times easier to sell to existing customer, excluding cross-selling and upselling it save the time and resources that go into convincing/converting new leads. To equip yourself with the most correct of mindset, set a goal to make this lead make a second sale. This will make you give them the service that is targeted to retain them and this first impression in the customer’s head will go a long way.

Ask for feedback
This comes after the deal is sealed, ask them this question – “would you like to shop with this again?” and “would you recommend us to your family and friends?” So, you are getting acknowledgment for the second sale and also getting referrals. Referrals from a satisfied customer make your chances of converting them 15 times easier than that of a cold call.

I hope this blog brings value to your selling and marketing strategies, just like how it had to our and begotten us precious customers for life!

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