We don’t like SCAMMERS

We don't like SCAMMERS at LeadsRain

Technology has given new fuel to your marketing campaigns and opened several ways where you can knock the customers with your message not only at the door but on their most preferred channels.

It’s true that technology has added new wings to your marketing but at the same time, people have found ways, how they can misuse these tools and technology with their bad intentions. And the results are SCAMS. Nowadays, people are afraid of marketing communications as the frequency of scams has increased like anything. Thus, genuine marketers face a lot more issues and can’t make the information available to their audience.

We Don’t Entertain SCAMMERS:

As a Marketing Service Platform provider, We LeadsRain have been in the market for the last 7 years and during this journey, we have helped so many genuine marketers to take their business to new heights, whether a big giant or a small start-up. From the beginning, our objective is to help each marketer to reach their end goal but at the same time we are and we will be strict on not allowing any such fake marketers who don’t have any genuine campaign, in a straight way we can say No Room for SCAMMERS in LeadsRain.

It’s obvious that like other service providers we do also get exposed to many of them who want to SCAM the people but we take a close look at all the campaigns running and even if we get a small doubt, we say no to such marketers and Block their account.

Quote from Leader Board:

“We Started LeadsRain to give an authentic handhold to our customers who are looking for ethical marketing and envisioned a legitimate growth. We, at LeadsRain always promoted only Legitimate campaigns and dedicatedly keep track on checking the authenticity of campaigns. We constantly update our clients about new laws and updates with our blogs…We love Marketers, but we don’t like Scammers.”

How to recognize SCAM?

There are some common tactics used by SCAMMERS which help you identify them.

  • They Act like they are from a Well known Organization
  • They pretend they are from an authorized or statutory body
  • They talk like they are already known to you
  • They always have a Threat or Prize for you
  • They always need your Prompt action
  • They ask for certain methods of Payments like a Gift card or Wire Transfer

How Does Your or Our Brand Get affected?

Business Number can get Backlisted

When marketers use their business numbers or any other registered caller IDs for such illegitimate marketing purposes, complaints are registered against those caller IDs and your outreach gets hampered and you will face low response rates. Which in returns turns out to be loss-making or failed marketing campaigns.

Loss of Brand Image

When your Business number or name is associated with such illegal activities marketers and service providers both lose their brand image in their respective marketers. It kills your long-run business and future growth prospects.

Losing trust in customers

This is the information age and every single piece of information is easily accessible and available on the internet. Your existing customers or future prospects can search about you before joining hands with your organization. If they find such negative news about your organization or about service providers, they lose the trust in them and can shift to other providers.

Temporary discontinuation of Services

Recently, FTC has monitored many of such campaigns and then asked few reputed service providers to clarify why they allowed such campaigns through their services. As a result, they have discontinued their services temporarily and have to give proper justification to legal authorities.

Recently Introduced Technology Suits – A Step towards Controlled Marketing

As part of continuous SCAM campaigns, so many services are now bound with different laws and regulations. In recent times, FTC has announced so many guidelines for different services they have to follow while using and while providing it to marketers. We can take the example of the new 10 DLC regulations applied to A2P text messaging services. This new update in text message marketing will help avoid scammers and help people identify the senders and their purpose. Likewise, to control the Robocalls, we have TRACED Act.

How to run a Lawful Marketing Campaign?

  • Study and Understand all the laws and regulations applied to your business and markets.
  • Choose service providers who give you all the information and keep guiding you.
  • Select those service providers only who don’t entertain SCAMMERS, or else in the long run, you have to run to find a new provider when you are actually at your marketing peak.
  • It’s Not Only the Service Provider; they are sometimes unknown from their customers’ activities or take some time to identify such scammers, so be Ethical towards the market and your customers.
  • Keep yourself updated every day with all new updates in the market.
  • Keep all the news on your radar on how SCAMMERS are performing illegal activities in your industry. Try to avoid such or even similar practices too.


SCAMMERS we don’t like as we are not in the business with Short term vision, and not only looking to make money, we are focused on becoming the most trusted service provider which can help the genuine marketers to take their business on the top. We are aimed at reaching the destination with our customers and believe in mutual ethical growth.

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