How to Keep your customers engaged with Small Talk

Keep your customers engaged with Small Talk

There is a fine line between idle chit chat and purposeful small talk when speaking to customers. A telemarketer needs to master this art of small talk to engage customers while looking for a solution to their problems.

Small talk allows the telemarketer to find out more about the context of the customer. By gathering more information regarding the customer’s circumstances, the telemarketer can resolve issues much faster, more efficiently while providing the customer with a ‘feel-good factor’ that is crucial for delivering a better customer experience.

So how can telemarketers prepare themselves for such purposeful talks?

1. Keep the conversation focused on the solution

Ask customer questions related to the complaint or the issue at hand and keep the conversation focused on finding a solution for their concerns.

2. Talk in a natural tone

Talk like you do in real life. Consider speaking your customer’s language or vocabulary rather than using fancy industry lingo.

3. Avoid the use of conversation killers

Customer support is about relationship building. Instead of telling your customers ” Let us know if you have further questions,” ask whether the solution you offered solved their problem. Make it your duty to ensure that customer leaves the conversation with every question answered.

Also Read: Small Talk Ideas for Telesales Calls

4. Try to be human

There are chances that purposeful small talk is not always going to be successful and that is okay. At the end of the day, your customer won’t remember what went wrong as long as they remember how you treated them. Being human is your greatest asset as a telemarketer, so don’t be afraid to show it.


You can no longer put your customer on hold and play the tradition “hold tune” or irritate them with chit chat. With every minute spent on hold or answering pointless questions, your customer will get more frustrated while your call center drains money by keeping the call line open.

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