Telemarketing Script for Home Improvement/Interior

Telemarketing Script for Home Improvement

A successful telemarketing campaign can increase leads for your home improvement sales team or even create immediate sales over the telephone.

When writing scripts I always thought about what I would need to hear from the caller to get me interested in the product/service if I was the “target customer”.

Hi!  This is __________________ with Total Home Exteriors.

Is this Mr/Mrs –A–last_name–B–?

I was just giving you a quick call to let you know that we’re going to be back out in your neighborhood tomorrow and __________ doing free roof evaluations for everyone.  It’s because of the hail and wind storm we’ve had.  They actually damaged some of the roofs, and now the insurance companies are replacing those roofs.  The evaluation only takes about 15 minutes, and there’s no cost or obligation to you at all.  So, would it be better to come by and see you tomorrow or __________?

If you’ll bear with me one second, I just need to ask you a couple of real quick questions and I’ll let you right off the phone…

Of course, you do still live at –A–address1–B– , correct?

And it is a shingle roof, not a metal roof, correct?

And how old is your roof? [Roof must be at OVER 5 years old]

And you have owned the home for at least 1 year, correct?

And you are the homeowner?

[(Females) Are you the sole homeowner?

(If not sole HO) Is your husband going to be there as well?]

And just like the neighbors, it is not a town-home, condominium, or manufactured home correct?

Has the insurance adjuster been out to see you in the last year?  [If the answer is yes, find out what happened, and add it to the notes]

The last thing I need is an alternate number…

OK then…Again, it is Total Home Exteriors; if you’d like to grab a pen and paper, I’d be happy to give you our main office number; just let me know when you’re ready…call on ——————.  Okay then, our representative will have their credentials with them, we are licensed, bonded and insured, and we’ll see you on ___________ at ____________ o’clock, okay?

For extra information on the Phone Script or how Leadsrain can help your Organization accelerate your success in Home Improvement/Interior please click the Contact Us link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

Telemarketing Script for Home Improvement:Interior


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