Sample Phone Script Auto Loan / Auto Finance for Call Center

Sample Phone Script Auto Loan and Auto Finance for Call Center

Having a proven Auto Loan / Auto Finance Phone Script is essential in maximizing your opportunity with Auto Loan Leads and boosting your appointment show rate. The script must build credibility, create curiosity, and gain a commitment from the customer. Below is a proven script that can do just that…

Auto Loan / Auto Finance Phone Script

“Hello? I am looking for (customer first name).

How are you today?

My name is (Your Name)? And I am calling you from _____ Auto Loans. The reason for this call is you have been pre-approved/Accepted for an auto loan by our approval department. So we believe that you are in the market for an auto loan right?

If a customer says YES So you are looking for a New Car or a Used Car?

If a customer says a new or used car, (Then say) Great, Then I need to confirm some of your basic information.

Like we have your,(1)

Step 1: Verify basic information

Your, First Name is________

Last Name is _________

Address is ________

City is ________

State is ________

Zip is ________

Phone no ________

& your E-mail ________ Is that right?

Could you please confirm me your D.O.B_______

Step 2: Employer details

Do you work for a company or are you self-employed?

Can I have the name of your company?

What is your occupation in your company? (You can say Occupation or Designation)

How long have you been working there?

What is your Monthly Income? (minimum $1500)

What is your Work Phone Number (Must for employed or self-employed customers)

Step 3: Residential Details

Do you rent or own your home? If rent: what is your rent payment per month? If own: what is your mortgage payment per month?

How long have you been living there?

Step 4: Bankruptcy and SSN (Social Security Number)

Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? (If the customer is in bankruptcy then it is not qualified)

Would you like to go with or without a cosigner? (it is not mandatory)

Could you please verify the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number?

Once the whole SSN is verified follow the below part.

Thank You now I need to let you know that we will have to run your credit check to help you evaluate and to let you know what we can do best for to help you out;


The customer must reply YES (It is compulsory) Once the customer says YES. Then if a customer is looking for a new car then ask for the make and model of the car he is looking for.

(Once a customer gives you a new car make and model) Then say we would like to provide you with a free price quote for the new car make and model you are looking for. Is that OK? great that’s all we need from you today.

One of our auto loan dealerships will get back to you within the next 24-48 hours to let you know what we can do for you. Thank you for your time and patience.

Have a great day…!!!
For extra information on the Phone Script or how Leadsrain can help your Organization accelerate your success in Auto Loan / Auto Finance please click the Contact Us link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

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