Ringless Voicemail: A must-have booster for your Medical Insurance Lead Generation

Ringless Voicemail for Medical Insurance Lead Generation

Technology has brought us closer at an unprecedented pace. This is especially true for close-knit relationships like that between an insurance agency and its customers. Today it is easier than ever to get the ear of your leads, but it is also equally easy to have leads turn a deaf ear due to excessive noise. Ringless Voicemail (RVM) allows you to turn this problem into an amazing lead generating opportunity.

Why Ringless Voicemail?

Ringless Voicemail has been employed to generate callbacks across diverse sectors. Across all the implemented verticals it has proven it’s worth, but none more so than for a lead generation.

Let’s take a look at few advantages of using Ringless Voicemail Drops

High Open Rates

Ringless Voicemails offer virtually 80-90% open rate and boast 60-70% listen rate. This ensures that your message reaches not just the inbox but also to your leads. With Ringless Voicemail you can now always be assured that your message has reached its mark.


In a crowded and highly competitive segment of health insurance, being customer-centric is a must. RVM lends itself to exactly do just that so you can put your customers first every single time. Below are three customer-first benefits of using RVM that delight customers and marketers alike.

Disturbance Free Communication

Ringless Voicemail as the name suggests bypasses the ring and takes your message directly into the voicemail.

Easy Accessibility

Voicemail allows the user to access it from anywhere and at any time of the user’s convenience. This reduces the aversion to listening to your message which partly contributes to the impressive listening rate mentioned above.

Easy opt-out

We have always encouraged marketers in following this FCC and TCPA mandate to the dot. With RVM it is now very easy for you to respect customers’ rights and remove themselves from marketer’s campaigns.

Revamp your Pitch Deck

Launching a new product? Have an offer to share? Want to pitch to all your customers? Now you can, RVM enables you to rapidly and efficiently convey your information to hundreds of clients with few clicks. That means you can now personally have a pseudo one to one pitch with your leads or customers.

Higher Conversions

Did you know RVM drops have one of the highest success rates among all the direct marketing channels? RVM has consistently outperformed channels like email drops in the US when deployed in a campaign.

Don’t believe us?

Try a free trial by signing up here, and check for yourself.

What makes Ringless voicemail boost lead generation for Medical Insurance?

Compared to other channels, Ringless Voicemail Drops are highly versatile and lend themselves to diverse uses. This ability is what makes it such a tremendous tool for health insurance agencies.

Hassle-Free Reminders (that also generate leads!)

Sending reminders of expired policies is a separate task in and of itself not to mention the efforts reselling requires. RVM allows you to kill both the birds with a single click! (yes, pun intended)

You can now use Ringless voicemail drop to notify all the important updates like renewal dates, new products, lucrative offers, and wherever necessary also add a call to action to generate call-backs.

Handing Out Better Deals

Adding on to the benefits of the previous point is the ability to upsell via RVM drop and not come out too strong that it scares away the leads. RVM allows you to lay your cards on the table and at the same time keep the ball in customers’ court. This offers a win-win alternative for everyone involved. If the customer is interested then you get a call-back, if not then you don’t lose points for trying to upsell.

Measurable Communication

Business, like golf, was never about potting it one shot. It was rather about potting the ball consistently with the least shots. The inherently trackable and measurable quality of RVM drops allows you to be better with every single iteration. Detailed reports of the drops allow your campaign to truly integrate data and analytics in your outreach.

Targeted Cross-Selling

When you are offering a wide pool of products and services, neglecting the potential of cross-selling can be a real loss. Leads would love to know more about a product or service that compliments that buying decision. A timely RVM allows you to capitalize on this openness and also helps in addressing the buyer’s guilt.

RVM is a feather in your hat not just for pre-sale but also for post-sales communication. Implementing this cross-sell strategy has proven to drastically reduce the cost of acquisition for many of our clients.

Generate Curiosity

RVM is great at generating callbacks. In other words, your leads come to you rather than the other way around. This allows you to focus on interested and curious leads, rather than work yourself through uninterested leads.

Bang Blast for Buck

With RVM drops costing as little as the price of 3 posts it notes for a minute, Ringless Voicemail offers an unparalleled ROI. It offers the best value for money results throughout.

So what next?

I am sure you are all stoked to try out RVM drops for your campaign but hold your horses.

Have you figured out the “how” part?

Our browser-based Ringless Voicemail Drop service allows you to turn that “how?” into a “WOW!”

LeadsRain’s Voicemail service comes feature-rich to reap all the advantages of RVM drops. We have perfected our products to match the changing needs of our clients since the inception of ringless voicemail technology.

Moreover, a veteran support team that is at your beck and call daily is all the unfair advantage your campaign needs to boost your sales through the roof. To know more contact our team at support@leadsrain.com. We usually reply within a minute. 😉😉

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