How can icebreakers keep your prospects from hanging up your cold calls?




The problem…

Have you ever wondered that there’s something wrong with your telesales script or rather the way it is framed? That, even after revising and customizing it time and again, your prospects when cold-called wouldn’t move further the sales funnel, that is to say, they wouldn’t give you the desired response?

And we know that hitting a dead end as such could be frustrating.

Let me tell you, that first of all I understand you as I and my team have faced similar situations. Situations that are omnipresent in all sales and telemarketing cubicles and sectors.


The solution…

And how we got out of it, you ask? The first thing that you as a sales exec or rep should do is to stop–the incessant torrent of asking questions and deducing conclusions (good or bad) from what’s happening as you have already done that. Accept that there’s something wrong and that there is nothing wrong with being wrong.

With this, you will now be capable of acting productively. Do some research on sales enablement optimization and apply those to yourself and your team. I have posted a series of sales enablement blogs, and that will help you to redesign the operational functionality of your team as well as their core morals: Why sales enablement in the first place; Key benefits of sales enablement and How we at leadsrain do sales enablement?


The instant solution…

One of the proactive techniques I introduced and also refer to other salespeople is to use icebreakers vividly. You could use well though ice-breakers to make the first 15 to 30 seconds intriguing which would lead your prospects to be more attentive state of mind later on.

Use a little tongue-in-cheek benign humor, bringing a smile or a chuckle on the face of your customer is a big win too. Now let’s see some of the examples of cold calling wherein icebreakers are used by telemarketers of my customers.



The blatant truth is witty and funny (at times) but make sure not to overdo it.

“Hey Tiffany we take well care of our customers, we know they have a life to attend, so we only make calls on weekends, would you like to talk about the so and so product, it’s an upgrade to what you bought from us three months ago…”


A cold call is obviously unexpected and may cause general annoyance if not indifference. Also if you were to call for rebuttal of leads there might be more than just mere annoyance.

“Hey Jeff, I know you’re busy but before you hang up on me, just let me tell you the most important thing, and that is I hate when you hang up on me…”


Be human, act empathetically make them feel connected

“Ah it’s almost Thanksgiving, and this warm atmosphere makes us miss you so much, would you like to have a little chat about your experience with our service?”


Do some research about your prospect’s profile on social media accounts, and break the ice accordingly. E.g.,

“How are you Jeffries, I see you got promoted to Sr. Data Analyst on your social media account, would you like to see new condos in Georgetown, I have picked up three properties with your lovely landscape in proximity to your previously bought property with us. Would you like to know more about it?”


The takeaway points… 

– Find a context that is mutually (un)important to break the ice with – like weather, festival going on if any, time of the week, certain news, etc.

– Be involved, most importantly appear so.

– Speak truth bluntly as to make it funny and witty (Don’t overdo it.)

– Don’t sound like you’re a robot. Sound alive.

– Always greet them with their name.

– Stay updated with the information they share on their social media accounts.


We at LeadsRain focus on the efficiency of our customer support team just as me we do on our services. We are an all-inclusive cloud-based, contact service solution provider, proffering services like hosted cloud-based predictive dialer, hosted IVR, voice broadcasting and bulk text messaging.

To know more about us reach us out on 844-ON-CLOUD or drop us an email at and we will take care of the rest.

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