Ringless Voicemail – The perfect supplement for your Wellness Marketing Campaigns

Ringless Voicemail for Wellness Marketing Campaigns

The wellness industry is set to boom. With an increase in sales and demand for wellness goods like immunity boosters and supplements, the grass does seem a lot greener. Is it so? It is hard to convincingly be sure about such things in the highly VUCA world. But what we can be really sure about is the need for businesses to be lean and digital. Above all, it is imperative than before that our cost of acquisition is low. This means streamlining your sales and improving your marketing.

But how do you go about covering such complex tasks? With tools, of course!

No, there is no magic wand that will fix everything but there are tools that work their magic pretty well. One such tool is the Ringless Voicemail. A highly dynamic tool that is capable of assisting your business in all sales and marketing verticals.

What is Ringless Voicemail?

Ringless Voicemail (RVM) is the tool that allows you to reach your leads in a compliant manner. It allows you to drop a voicemail without ringing up the phone. Simply record your message. Schedule your drops. Get your message to hundreds of leads. Enjoy the magic. To know the spells at work behind the magic, click here.

Why use Ringless Voicemail for your business?

Ringless Voicemail at its core a customer-centric marketing channel. At the same time, it also captures the 4Cs of lead generation for marketers. Read more to know-how.

  • Disturbance Free

The biggest complaint against telemarketing is the constant ringing. No one wants any random Joe calling in the middle of an important meeting with “I have an offer”. Ringless Voicemail service offers you an ear without deafening them.

  • Options

With newer phones, your leads can now even read your Voicemail. This is just the tip of the iceberg. They have options of calling you back, searching for you online, and a plethora of options. Thus reducing lead burnouts.

  • Cost-effective

Nothing says cost-effective more clearly than an efficient system delivering value each time. With pricing going as low as three cents per minute. With open rates of 97%. With detailed reports. You can track and analyze precisely the value generation.

  • Compliant

There is nothing explicitly written in black & white about RVM that is not compliant, but some states have their own set of rules which they have framed. Looking into that, to be compliant while sending RVM, it is strongly recommended to use only Opt-in Data and also provide Opt-out options to the receivers in case if they are not interested in receiving any further communication from your side

LeadsRain’s Pro Tip – Always stay compliant by Giving Opt-out options to your receivers and follow the guidelines by some specific states which have their own set of guidelines.

  • Convenience

Ringless Voicemail drops campaigns are automated and usually run themselves. The drops once configured, generate a steady stream of callbacks. For a small firm, short on human resources or a large firm swamped with campaigns, this automated nature is a godsent boon. The convenience of running a quality outreach campaign with minimal efforts is unique to RVM.

  • Callbacks

Do you know businesses that shift to RVM are known to generate as much as 3X more callbacks? That too from the first campaign itself. Whatsmore, every call back means a qualified lead. Why push when you can pull your leads.

Ringless Voicemail For Wellness Industry

RVM is a great tool for creating lean marketing campaigns. It offers versatility without compromising effectiveness and automation without compromising control. But most importantly, it allows you the lead’s attention without disturbing them. A great asset when you are working with the wellness marketing campaign.

Supplement your campaigns

Ringless Voicemail may be the punch your other channels need. A great benefit of integrating Ringless Voicemail drops into your marketing is that it may even be used to rescue or complement other channels.

Launched a door to door campaign?

Supplement it with RVM. Have a campaign that is not performing well? Boost it easily with RVM.

Educate your Leads

With increased anxiety and confusion, not to mention the noise, in the post COVID world, it is increasingly difficult to find quality information.

A simple question like “Can I buy this supplement without a prescription?” can choke up your sales funnel.

Educating your leads is one of those rare win-win situations of 2020. Reduce the confusion, ease up access to information, and build an inflow of leads. All at the same time.

Also Read: Tele-Calling Scripts for Sanitization Lead Generation Campaign

Scope Out New Markets

RVM offers you to wet your feet without falling into the deep end. Quickly test out new areas with targeted RVM drops. Field open-ended queries for your product. Try micro pitching. Introduce yourself. Now observe the demographics of your respondents, their inclinations, and much more. This quick method to conduct real-time market research allows you to stay lean while expanding to new neighbourhoods. Moreover, in doing so, you earn street creds and brand recognition. Another great idea is to use RVM to perform micro runs while expanding.

Product Launch & Offers

Have many stakeholders that need to be kept in the loop. Want to showcase your new product or send invites for your product launch? RVM offers a comprehensive and stands alone platform to do so.

Outreach to all your customer base consistently without losing quality while scaling up.

Offers are great at increasing revenue but difficult at promoting themselves. With all the channels screaming sales, leads today have reduced attractions to glaring red shining sales, or offer popup. With Ringless voicemail, you can recreate the word of mouth aura to redirect your leads and/or customers towards your lucrative offer.

Need Help Getting Started?

Our Ringless Voicemail Drops (RVM) platform comes equipped with a campaign wizard. it guides and helps you to set up your campaign with minimal efforts. Now be campaign ready within minutes. Experience our wizard by signing up for free here. You also get free 100 Successful Voicemails on signup!

Alternatively, you can contact our real-life support wizards to help you out by calling 302-397-0096 or via mail at support@leadsrain.com. We proud ourselves in replying within a minute.

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