Untouched LeadGen Approach in Real Estate Industry – Ringless Voicemail

Untouched LeadGen approach in Real Estate Industry - Ringless Voicemail

Real estate is the buzzword for the industrial development, endeavours towards cramping growth for home buyers, and mortgage lenders.

Global economic sectors in 2018 have significantly shown a rise, but US Real Estate sector seems not to agree with it. The best part is, it is not broke yet. However, real estate, financial sector and banks seem to be on the third stage of cancer. Given this last opportunity, 2019 is pretty much a pivotal year for housing and commercial real estate agents in the US.

The current status of competitors in market share seems to be down, and the number of competitors is going up. This is real-time when securing new clients and deals; high conversion rates seem to play a vital role to find an edge.

The marketers are significantly trying to cut off the challenges in the real estate world. Social media platforms have flawed the ad data, have built high investments against this and increased the advertising cost and revenue.

Hence, that has led to the new GDPR rules, which have created panic for the email providers, bloggers, and marketing agencies. As the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) mandates that robocall campaigns cannot reach any mobile number, the need for ringless voicemail(RVM) arises.

Now comes a need for ringless voicemail drops where they seem to be more valuable for business existence. It opens the door wide open for FSBO listings, advertising open houses to neighbours and as many community-based target audiences to try out RVM.

You’d be wondering what Ringless Voicemail is?

Ringless voicemail is an integrated service that leaves messages directly to the customer’s voicemail box; it completely bypasses the calling and ringing part on the phone.

RVM allows you, via an application to leave a message to your targeted audience without hindering them or ringing their phones. It is an efficient tool for delivering an engaging message through marketing campaigns. Ringless Voicemail instantly automatically prompts a notification into their phones.

There are several reasons where one may want to use ringless voicemail in real estate marketing campaigns to building the business for:

  • Accelerating the conversions
  • Reducing overhead costs
  • Complaint marketing
  • Generating Leads
  • Better customer service and follow-ups
  • Delivering mass product announcements

VoiceMail Marketing campaigns of RVM

It is the right time to jump on to the ringless voicemail service for real estate agents. It helps to deliver messages directly to the realtors, brokers, and agents. The user can directly connect with the buyers and sellers via cell phone marketing software to ease the comprehensive marketing approach and make it more engaging and promoting the listing!

Marketing campaigns of RVM delivers more than 10% of response rate which is in fact, five times more than traditional marketing methods.

Moreover, it is just a fraction of the cost which it takes. LeadsRain promises to deliver a single voicemail at only 3.5 cents* each. What a bargain!

As the majority of the voicemails are heard; it reveals that your meticulous effort of marketing did not go in vain. It will fire off a quick response through voicemail marketing than any other means.

We at LeadsRain have executed many direct marketing campaigns and delivered terrific results. We help real estate agents to achieve revenue growth with increased productivity and ROI by dropping short and simple ringless voicemails. It drives the crowd to maneuver the task of real estate by skyrocketing technique of straight to voicemail.

Boost your Real Estate Lead Generation Campaign with LeadsRain Ringless Voicemail

We integrate the comprehensive approach of ringless voicemail drops to save time, help to manage the campaign for real estate efficiently by following only three steps:

Apart from sending voice messages direct to voicemail, it also allows the recipient to communicate with the sender, leaving an option to interact.

P.S: You can grab a chunk of our free trial at our website, or you can mail us at support@leadsrain.com.

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