Industry-wise handpicked straight-to-voicemail templates

Ringless Voicemail



Hello, are you looking for a proactive way to reach out to your customers, generation of new leads and revive old ones? Well, then you have come to the right place. Let me dissect the body of a premium quality voicemail; the kind that works the best. 

A Ringless Voicemail drop should be optimally the thirty-second message. This message can be divided into three parts of ten-ten seconds. The first part should consist of your sales rep introduction i.e. his name and where is from. The second part should consist of the purpose of calling, we can call this the body of the voicemail drop. The last part should conclude with giving the customer or a lead a call to action like Press 1 to do so-and-so.

Here are the templates of the best RVDs used by LeadsRain’s clients. You can use them to give your sales reps an anchor and a direction. Hope you have a good read.  


Hey [name], this is [sales rep name] from [company name], greetings from this side. [name] you paid us a visit at our (showroom/garage/expo) (last week/month/other) and showed interest in our prime product [name of the product]. I just wanted to know what have you thought about it. As you already know the vehicle is limited edition and we have only a few left. If there is anything, revert me at [number] I repeat the number is [number]. Thanks in advance.


Hello Mrs. August, I’m Danielle calling from the RobertSon, I would like to give you a friendly reminder that vehicle insurance of the employees of your company Solstice Pvt Ltd’s insurance is going to be expired by 11/11/2017 that is two months from now. To get it renewed call us back at 832-540-210, the number again is 832-540-210. Thank you and have a nice day.

Real Estate

Hello, dear people of Chicago town, we are Art-key-tech, an architectural firm. With a team of 100 engineers and architect, we design state of the art spaces. The glass-walled office building coming up at downtown is ours. We have opened the bookings and the first ones to register at site, will get at prices cut down to 40%. For further information call us back at 312 663 548. We are looking forward to a cordial meet with you.


Hola I’m calling from Hablar Expa֘nol classes, I hope I’m talking with Lucy as you called us for inquiry regarding duration and frequency of our classes. I would like to inform you that I have sent you an email on If there is still any query call Hablar Expa֘nol at 896 787 200, I repeat 896 787 200. Thanks in advance.


This is California State Police Department, the provision of ration to the flood-affected areas is now in execution. We will be covering the whole of Newman by 3 PM in the afternoon. To report any missing person or missing people leads call us on 1-800-835-5247. I repeat 1-800-835-5247. We would like you to just stay calm and patient. Be safe the help is arriving soon.  


Hello ,I am calling from Erikson finance company, we would like to inform you about our Xmas offer. We are lending House Loans with interest rate of only 8%. The offer is going to last 50 days from now, up until christmas. Contact us at 858 585 400, the number is 858 585 400. Merry Christmas in advance!


Hello Mr. Jones, this is the Bret, the assistant manager of United Funds Bank, and this voicemail is to warn you that the extended period of your duration to pay your September months due is over, the outstanding amount is $10,000. You are required to pay the same by 10/07/2017, that’s in a week to avoid extra costs and not so pleasing circumstances. If you have a problem we can solve call us at 844 241 215, the number is 844 241 215.


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