Day 261 Without Predictive Dialer: I Went Door-to-Door, Asking People To Sign Up.

Hope you don’t have to go through this disaster. LeadsRain’s aims to be feasible to provide Predictive Dialer services which are easier for everyone at any point in time. Now it is easier to stay virgin than to not use predictive dialer, and it is in your best intentions. While this is just an adaptation of a trending meme, this is also true. It is certainly more effective to go door-to-door personally to get people to listen to your offers than to run a call-center without the predictive dialer software.

Over the years, the technology has installed various facilities to ignore the corporate callers, and ironically, installed software that somehow makes these calls possible too. This is the extent of corporate diplomacy. So what does this age leave us with? It leaves us with a call center that can not function without some additions. It is just like Apple products that, in order to provide some additional functions, require added modifications in the hardware, such as Apple Pencil or the Apple Watch. Similarly, Cloud Predictive Dialer is a necessity for businesses to reach as many leads effectively, as possible with the current technology.

How Necessary Is The Cloud Predictive Dialer?

Certainly, people respect privacy, and when the caller is in the DNC list, it is your responsibility to maintain some distance. A well organized CRM, with a software that reads your lists well, and acts accordingly, will help you through your toughest challenges. So how necessary is the Predictive Dialer in the times when people would ignore corporate calls readily, one needs assistance from automation technology. Predictive Dialer is just the solution.

There is a growing need for Predictive Dialer services across the United States, with retargeting becoming difficult with time. Moreover, questions have been raised about the call center efficiency, and the capability for them to grow the business as they once were.

Today calls end up in the spam and block list quicker than ever. In this atmosphere, a majority of phone calls made are either rejected or end up in voicemail.

In these incidents, the call center agents seem to be wasting more time waiting for the calls to ring, or even dialing the hundreds of numbers on the list allotted to them. Assuming that the agent takes 30 seconds to dial a number, you are missing out on 4 hours of productivity from your agents in an 8 hours’ shift. Those are big numbers, and when you can solve them with just one modification to your call centers, it is a step worth taking.

The technological age has left us no choice but to find a way around the limitations of mankind. With Predictive Dialer, you can reduce the idle time of the agents waiting for leads to pick up the calls. Not just this, Predictive Dialer is an advanced technology, a set ahead of other call center dialers in managing calls between the agents. This is a smart technology that has the capacity to distinguish human voice from the answering machine and will identify which contact number should be connected to the agents, thus, reducing the idle time, and simultaneously, increasing their work efficiency.

Certainly, with these characteristics, Predictive Dialer has achieved the status of most productive call center dialers, making them a necessity for businesses that need to make calls regularly.

What Makes Cloud Predictive Dialer So Different?

The Cloud Predictive Dialer gives a fluid impression to your call centers, owing to its cloud attributes. In other words, the agent simply requires to log into the server of the Predictive Dialer, and he will be off with his communications. This can be done from anywhere in the world! Isn’t THAT cool? Now give a new identity to your call center with our Cloud Predictive Dialer with easy installation.

The Predictive Dialer is also different through its algorithm of transferring calls, figuring out the difference between humans and machine, and most importantly, assigning a call ratio for each agent. This call ratio understands the speed of each conversation, and with that being studied, will decide how many calls to make per agent. This is what makes the software impressive.

Predictive Dialer, in the world of call centers, has hence achieved the mark of the best software among all. Predictive Dialer is the fastest of the dialers in the market with its smart algorithms.

As compared to Preview Dialer, which gives times to the agent to study the lead before deciding whether to call and in turn, wasting a huge chunk of their time, Predictive Dialer keeps 5 calls prepared for the agent to receive while he is active. This puts Predictive Dialer at a higher advantage when talking about call ration. A similar advantage is held against Progressive Dialer, where again, the call ratio is 1:1.

Predictive Dialer looks to achieve agent efficiency through leads targeted. The process more complicated than mere calls made, but rather, the process that looks to allocate the leads effectively among the agents available. Moreover, the system negates from the list, the contacts that are not answering, busy or end up in voicemail, so the agents only have to deal with real humans for their interaction.

With call-center facility, comes the need to enhance the caller list and method of calling. Predictive Dialer will solve all your issues with one simple installation that is a call away. Come to LeadsRain for call center modifications to make your communication better. Find solace in our services here. You may also find solutions in some of our other services that look to find call center solutions, in Ringless Voicemail and Voice Broadcasting. Do reach us at for further questions.

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