Ringless Voicemail: The Power Tool for Lead Generation

Ringless Voicemail Power Tool for Lead Generation

Nobody likes to be interrupted. Being interrupted by constant telemarketing calls can be one of the worst things to happen in a person’s day. And continuous calling can hike up the irritation level of customers to such an extent that they might even choose to forget about you altogether.

In this age where consumers need advertising that is not only relevant but also according to their convenience, methods like ringless voicemail come to the rescue. They do not disrupt consumers since they don’t ring their phones and recipients have the option of listening to it whenever they have time.

Taking in view efficiency, if you have a business that involves calling a large number of leads and you feel that your sales team is spending a lot of time calling and leaving messages instead of closing deals, then Ringless Voicemail is a tool that you must have in your repertoire.

For more efficient lead gen, for both marketing and sales, ringless voicemail is a strong contributor for increasing engagement and conversion rates.

We’ve talked about ringless voicemail before, and why it makes sense for businesses to implement. It is newer to the market, it has not been entirely adopted by companies yet, and it yields higher ROI than most other traditional marketing methods.

RVM has a staggeringly high open-rate. So what gives RVM an edge over other marketing services?

  • Fewer opt-in requirements
  • Begins a human conversation

While many communication channels offer an automated experience, it is also true that a fair share of prospects still wants human interaction throughout the sales process. RVM starts that interaction because of its high listen and response rates.

For instance, drop RVMs to your contact list to simplify your cold call prospecting. You won’t have to worry about calling them at the right time or remembering the best parts of your pitch. All you have to do is record a targeted message, complete with a call-to-action to incentivize a response, and save on the plenty of time lost leaving voicemails one at a time. And since those leads haven’t really missed intrusive and poorly timed calls, there is no negative association with your voicemails. Their curiosity and the power of your sales message getting across are the only things that stand in the way of getting a callback.

The single, most obvious way your contacts can learn more about the voicemail is by listening to your RVM. If they call back, you can safely assume that the leader wants to talk shop, otherwise, they wouldn’t have been wasting their time. By forwarding interested lead calls directly to your sales team, they are spending more time closing deals than warming them.

RVM is a competent medium for lead generation, lead nurturing and brand engagement. It proffers the marketing and other internal teams with a new channel to:

  • Provide product or service updates and alerts
  • Communicate with employees in the field without interrupting their work
  • Remind contact of useful product/service tips and tricks
  • Confirm appointments for scheduling
  • Drop messages with new CTAs to trigger further engagement

An average marketer spends a good chunk each day of their week on repetitive tasks that boost low converting marketing channels like email, web pages, and social media. Implementing a ringless voicemail strategy into a traditional marketing strategy will save resources, time, and increase ROI.

We at LeadsRain offer seamless Ringless voicemail services to help you connect with your audience. To get free demos and know more about the how, why and what of us write to us at support@leadsrain.com

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