What Makes Ringless Voicemail The Apex Direct Marketing Technique?

Technology is welcomed with open arms today. Bring innovations to it, and it will kickoff instantly. Ringless Voicemail is certainly a mind-boggling technological advancement in the direct marketing segment. With its versatile utility, RVM not only becomes favourable in a variety of industrial segments, the features of our RVM makes its use possible on the personal level as well. So what really makes RVM such a widely acclaimed model of direct marketing?

Adaptive To Any Business Environment

One could argue about this but the fact is that Ringless Voicemail, owing to its “notification-over-ringing” philosophy can be put to several uses. Making the audio messaging, less of a pain, this ringless feature is what helps the model serve the society better. Society is the right word here because this service finds its place among both professional and personal uses.

Imagine, just one platform to encapsulate all the requirements, necessary for the message you are looking to transmit. RVM personates that platform for those looking for one. Be it for captivating leads with your products or running a promotional campaign during a holiday season, ringless voicemail connects to the listeners immediately. This provision effectively makes the service a go-to assistance platform.

Unique Supportive Features

The users will admit that it is no ordinary transformation of a standard communication platform. Ringless voicemail involves scrubbing and advanced reporting that aids the user in defining the response towards the campaign being run. Here, LeadsRain gives a deeper meaning to the facility being provided and in turn, acknowledges the privileges of the age of technology.

Accessorize your campaign effectively to receive a greater ROI. Accompanied by quality campaign management apparatus and experience staff, stand a higher chance of responses. LeadsRain is more than just a provider of this service. We thrive to deliver quality to your message. Find value in your campaign with LeadsRain, and establish a connection with your leads so as to reap desired boons from it.

A Voice Always Makes A Difference

I didn’t really understand Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics at first. It took me exact 27 attempts to perfectly sing his Humble in the shower. This is the impact of playing a song on repeat. While I don’t promise that the receiver will listen to the voicemail 27 times, but the voicemail facility carries with it the accessibility to the receiver. The receiver can listen to the voicemail as many times as he chooses to but of course, the voicemail (and hence, you) can make this happen.

LeadsRain staff has devised a set of tips to produce an effective “replay-able” voicemail that can deliver the right message with, but it is on you to ooze the zest in it. These tips have seen to work on giving the message the right note, and your campaign the right pitch.


  • Make the voicemail, not more than 30 seconds
  • Categorize the message in 3 segments
  • First 10 seconds being introduction of course. Inform the customer about you
  • Second 10 seconds, sell the idea, not the product or service. A method adopted by our George Washington.
  • Lastly, a CTA, instigating them to follow up for further details to what you are offering.
  • Design the message with humour so they can giggle while you convince them.

Find Solace in Silence

Ringing into your customer’s phones is against the humility of business practices. Adopt ringless-ness to promote privacy, and surface when called for. The most essential feature of ringless voicemail is that it provides the receiver, the convenience of listening to your message. Find true solace in silent marketing technique so you can build confidence in your customers towards your brand.

Ringless voicemail services have been playing a major role in the direct marketing world since years now. Certainly the most desired option, ringless voicemail has been questioned over the quality of the service. LeadsRain takes pride in announcing that our clients have displayed nothing but satisfaction in our glitch-less, quality service with outstanding support. Find out more on our website or email us at support@leadsrain.com.

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