Rich Text Messaging – Quick And Efficient Direct Marketing Strategy

Rich Text Messaging ServiceHow would you like to Chat with your customers? LeadsRain provides (and recommends) just that. We introduce RTM in the wake of modernised premise of digital marketing. The realms of reaching out to your customers have expanded and so have we.  If you are wondering what RTM really is, you’re at the right place. Rich Text Message service is LeadsRain’s optimised version of text message marketing; the predecessor that is gradually wearing off the marketing broadway. It is new, it is welcomed, it is approved by your customers, and it is sure to engage them to take the next step you want them to. In its simplicity, RTM is an embedded text message that glorifies your services and is staunchly visible to your leads. While this may be a generalised description of the service, there is a deep-seated functioning that enables the leads to authenticate your position in their daily activities.

Rich Text Messaging How Does It Work?
Rich Text Message services are currently used with images, videos, graphical designs, QR codes but the possibilities are vast, to say the least. The RTMs are embedded with any digital file you can think of that can probably persuade your leads. Howdo they work? I, as a customer, am just infuriated by the constant texts buzzing my cell phone, often about a product I hardly seem to care about.To me, when Dominos sends its coupons, I would hardly care to copy the text, then go to the link provided, place an order,only to redeem a 20% discount.It doesn’t cut it for me. With RTM, I will be provided with a link with an image of their pizza that is assured to make me drool at 12 in the afternoon, when I am nearing my lunch time. I will, purely with the intentions of trying it out, go to the link provided. With RTM, the link will take the customer (me), directly to the cart with his favourite order, and the discount coupon already applied. Assuming there are only 2% of leads that share my mentality, it is already about a 1000% increment in conversion for Dominos (assuming the standard 0.2% text message conversion applies to Dominos).
I’m sure I have your attention now, with an assured 1000% increment in your conversion. RTM reduces the customers’ efforts to reach you, and correspondingly delightfully allures them to you. In other words, RTM is the bagpiper, without the long walk of course.
The real question however, is which platforms can support this form of texting. The answer is simple. Stay updated, stay current, stay classy, because to house this technology in your phones, it MUST be the latest update of Android or iOS.

What’s Left Behind?
By moving forward we have discarded some of the concretions accumulating over time. Say goodbye to:

  • Mundane texts formed over intense brainstorming. Here you can easily subscribe a link, nay, SHORT link to draw your customers directly.  
  • Narrow possibilities drawn towards engaging your audience through text, assuming they will read it. Assign  an image, clip, or whatever file you wish to share through RTM. 
  • Slow buffering of your pages dependent on internet connectivity. Through RTM your customers can access  the    pages even when offline. Worrying about the file size that can raise your investment costs. RTM with its small-  size character will never  raise this concern again.

Align To The Market Demands

What’s New?

As mentioned, your message will support personalized links, desired images and videos, QR codes, and so you must not be surprised the next time you receive your airline tickets via RTM. You can send a PDF file through this facility directly into their phones at marginal tariffs. Furthermore, RTM services are 
enabled with a group text facility creative stickers, interactive message to multiple recipients to and fro. How is it different from iMessage and other popularly used mediums of texting? Well it isn’t. We understand that the popular text messaging platforms provide more than mere texting. Here, LeadsRain propagates its services to adhere to those demands.

Proceed With RTM

RTM is backed by an intense study and is initiated keeping the trending methodical practices in mind. Boring and cliche as it may sound, the assurance LeadsRain persists on is backed by this statistical analysis drawn by leading agents. If you aim for instant growth parameters for your business and align your philosophy to retain optimized returns on your investments, RTM will deliver exactly that. We synchronize your needs with our renowned service and support, you are assured to lead the market with outstanding results.
If your business requires other corresponding services, we also provide Ringless Voicemail services, Voice Broadcasting services among others. For more information on our services you can visit our website here or email us at


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