Complete Information about Voice Broadcasting


Voice broadcasting as misunderstood child. Voice Broadcasting AKA robo calls, automated calls, automated dialer, messaging pre Jumah, VB, and voice dialing. When searching Google there are more than 6 million pages associated with broadcasting voice. Similar to direct mail VB, VB gets the message to the individual, because the individual directly reach with advertising. The big difference is that in order to reach prospects through direct mail you will pay more than 30 cents, to achieve the same prospects through rob calls you will pay 3 cents. Look at it this way, you can call the same person 10 times for the first time you send a direct mail peace. (Not suggesting you to call someone 10 times)

Voice Broadcasting is used throughout the world by advertisers to get their message out to prospects. Such as direct mail the most important part is to buy the right list. So you can target the right people instead of wasting money. The draw back with automatic dialing is, in certain countries there are laws and restrictions are different. The U.S. government has changed the law in 2009 about robo calls, advertisers can not send a call record to the consumer, unless they have obtained written consent signed to receive calls.

The types of pre-recorded messages that are allowed are calling for a political campaign to get the vote out, non-profit charities such as the humane society, public service announcements announcing school closings, weather alerts, etc. Advertisers are also using VB for B2B marketing. Calls on the answering machine always leave a phone number for people to call and opt out and if it is a live call. giving customers a way to opt out and not receive a call, such as press 1 to be removed from the list.

Companies that have authorization to call their customers via voice calls, very productive by using advertising methods. For example, the gym can call back the members or old customers and inform them about upcoming specials. Remember you must have a permit and must comply with the regulations.

Most organizations are not eligible to use voice broadcasting in the United States, if you happen to be one organization or unless allowed under the law, as mentioned above, imagine the response because most companies are no longer allowed to advertise using this method.

Many small political campaigns using robo calls because there are major forms of advertising, they find that it does not work, it is cost effective and direct mail is expensive and competitive. Check with local, state, or federal government the right to know the rules before using voice dialing.

For more information about how Auto Dialer, Hosted IVR solutions and voice broadcasting software may work for your small business, visit the

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