Dreamforce is here!! And its right time to announce our Ringless Voicemail Integration with Salesforce


What is up?
Hey folks, we hope you all are excited for DreamForce 2017. Let me give you one more reason to be excited. Now you can effortlessly deliver Ringless-voicemail to your customers directly from your Salesforce platform. LeadsRain introduces seamless integration for Straight-To-Voicemail technology. Why go with all the integration hassle when it can be done with just one click. Add our new plugin to your salesforce and start delivering voicemails almost instantly.

A little about RVM. . .
Ringless Voicemail a.k.a Direct-To-Voicemail is a service where one can deliver sales message directly to customers voicemail box without ringing their phone. A powerful way of reaching out to your existing customers as well as prospects without interrupting them.

What’s in it for you?
With our Ringless Voicemail plugin in Salesforce, you as a user can directly reach out to your leads/prospective contacts from within your Salesforce platform.

How do you do it?
Once integrated, just click the dedicated “Drop Ringless Voicemail” action on any record detail page, verify the details and hit “Drop voicemail” button to directly send a pre-recorded sales pitch to your prospects.

But Wait! There’s more . . .

Dreamforce Offer: for all the Dreamforce’17 attendees, we are giving out 1000 free voice-drops. To get started just register with your Dreamforce pass using the button below.

Know more

P.S. If you want to get this integration up and running for your SalesForce account,
contact our support team at support@leadsrain.com

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