5 Verticals where voicemail broadcasting is utilized effectively


When there’s promotional bombardment happening around customer almost every moment, to make a way to letting them hear your words become really hard. Just an innovative concept or superb content will not do the work, more important is how you convey those concepts or content to the crowd. The success of a campaign depends on the mediums on which they are delivered.

Often highly promising campaigns fail to attract the crowd because of the inappropriate selection of medium. Voicemail broadcasting is one such proven medium that effectively channelise the campaign amongst the crowd. It is a system that delivers single message to multiple receivers at the same time.

Ringless voicemail lands directly in the voice-mail box of prospects mobile without ringing their phone, thus making voicemail a highly compliant communication solution as message is delivered without disturbing the receiver. Following are the areas where the voice-mail broadcasting has been utilized very frequently.

Lead generation

It amazingly assists for generating callbacks from the hot leads. When the message is delivered to the receiver, furthermore they listen to the message as per their convenience; it increases the chances of getting callback by many folds. It proves quite essential for entire lead generation process. That is the reason; you should practice the voicemails accordingly.

Events and Concerts 

When there is an event and concert about to take place, it requires to be communicated to mass for multiple reasons such as, for booking confirmation, tickets announcement, event reminder and many other tasks. The voicemail has made these tasks a lot easier byextending the message instantaneously and to the amount of people, which would have not been feasible with any other channel.

Debt collection 

Name it customer services, client relations or consumer engagement, it lies in utmost needs of countless industries from banking to insurance all of those entities got to inform their respective customers about paying Debts, Bills or EMIs. In this scenario, keeping FDCPA laws into consideration there’s no alternative coming handy as compared to ringless voicemail, since limited information can be delivered without disturbing the person next side.

Emergency announcement

In the time of emergency cases such as evacuation or any other situation which demands mass communication abruptly, voicemail turns out to be savoir which could be relied upon. This medium does the job without wasting a moment.

Political survey

Ringless Voicemail has become a proficient tool of undertaking political canvasing activities. It is directly sent to a person who’s willing to volunteer or to a potential voter who just wants to know about candidate’s background and his future policies. Voicemail when recorded in the voice of electoral candidate and delivered to mass turns out to provide marvelous forecast of the political campaign.

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