Ringless Voicemail is an outbound marketing tool that empowers the marketers of Canada with an option to leave a pre-recorded audio message straight to their voicemail box without ringing their cell phone.
Get Real-time Insight into your campaign on smartly designed Dashboard
Set up and Run High Volume campaigns in no time
Easy to Manage Inbound call flow by Integrating Predictive dialer with Ringless voicemail
Keep all your desired CRMs around with API based Integration
Scrub and upload only Cell phone numbers from your list with hassle-free Inbuilt Scrubber
Manage Opt-out smartly to avoid unwanted outreach to an incurious audience
Straight to Voicemail is a technology that enables marketers to reach their target audience directly to their voicemail to deliver the pre-recorded audio message with zero disturbance during their busy time. No Ring Straight to Voicemail service can boost your team’s productivity by not wasting time listening to the answering machine and manually leaving voicemails.
Here is an insight to the LeadsRain’s Ringless Voicemail dashboard. It is worth mentioning that our clients have called it the most user-friendly platform they have ever come across.
3 Simple steps to run your campaign:
At the end of your campaign, you will also be shown the success rate that tells you the number of leads that you managed to reach out to, and how many from the list were not reached.
Still confused? You might want to try this tool to find out what our experts have in mind for your campaign. Service Suggestion
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