
LeadsRain’s Quarterly Report

Leadsrain's Report


LeadsRain has ventured a long way, since its beginning in 2011 as a contact center service provider. It has given us, the employees of LeadsRain a gargantuan amount of insights and learning, from having had to build it from scratch and developing all on our own, with only a team of three people.

Our underlying aim had and has always been customer satisfaction, we would always strive to be people-centric. Having come all this way, making changes in our product and services itself to sate our customers, we find solace in only one thing — in the satisfaction of our hard earned customers and the appraisal that follows.

In this literary piece, I’d like to share with you all the praises we have gotten from our customers in the last three months — as articulated by our CEO Jay T.

“Our newly acquired business customer from Hamilton, Canada after using our Ringless voicemail services for three months said that his entire team, that consists of almost a hundred of people, has not experienced downtime once. He said this because the previous services he had been using, led him with two months of downtime in total, over the period of a year. He has seen a growth in his CRO, and also integrating new leads has been so simple with Zapier.”

“Then there is this lovely customer from Dallas, yeah the one who sounds like Tupac, construction company employer, he was so satisfied with the Voice broadcasting services he has bought the service for a hundred thousand minutes.”

“This savvy wine sommelier from Paris to try out text message marketing campaign, not that his brand need any marketing, but just to see if any of KPI shifts. He was free from his concern of integrating new customers in the vast CRM list, because of our bulk text messaging services.”

“A certain customer from Brisbane had an annoying recent experience, there were issues regarding the privacy of his collected data and the like, and after having switched to LeadsRain is still our customer, using all of the LeadsRain services, having issues with none, and has better ROI now”

“A UK brick and mortar company that complained about other services not entertaining it, because of its small requirement, is satisfied to let us serve him, his leads have considerably grown.”

“Another Texas customer that has bought Ringless Voicemail and Call Tracking facilities who was worried about his business was reassured after knowing our refund policy. This reminds me of that customized gifts start up venture, they were lovely people, unfortunately that business didn’t give required revenue in the beginning as they expected and they were thus refunded by us.”

Jay T ends with a general response we have gotten, that the customers along with the benefits from the services have been having a great user experience. And this has been something we have always focused on, to create a warm environment for every customer throughout their journey.

If you’re interested in any of the LeadsRain’s services call us at 844-ON-CLOUD we will be happy to serve all your queries and questionnaires.


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