
What is Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology?

What is automatic speech recognition technology

What is automatic speech recognition technology

If you are using virtual assistants in your daily tasks, you are already aware of how they simplify your most mundane tasks. But have you ever thought of ASR technology? It’s a technology that’s been evolving for decades, powering everything from voice assistants to transcription services and customer support systems.

According to Grand View Research, The voice recognition technology industry is expected to expand from $12.62 billion in 2023 to $59.62 billion globally by 2030.

What is ASR technology?

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a spellbinding subfield of AI technology that recasts human spoken language into written text. ASR technology is also pondered as “speech-to-text” or “speech recognition”.

As a rule, ASR technology allows mortals to communicate with a computer interface optimizing their voice in a similar approach (similar to human dialogues).

The complexity lies between algorithms, neural networks, and ML models. 

This intelligent technology is employed in numerous services, ranging from automated customer services to inquiry systems. Popularly, it is exerted in voice assistants, transcription services, and contact center systems. 

Do you know the advanced version of ASR technologies? Alright, Natural Language Processing, or say NLP is one of the most advanced versions that revolves around technologies. 

Rattling on the goal of ASR is to mimic the human ability to make understanding easier which is beneficial for communication interactions with several services and applications.  

What are the benefits of ASR systems? 

ASR offers many benefits, whether it’s improving accessibility, saving time, or enabling hands-free interactions; Automatic speech recognition technology continues to transform the way we communicate and engage with technology. 

Let’s have eyesight  at a few bulletin pointers for quick understanding; 

How does automatic speech recognition work?

Regardless of its level of complexity, the fundamental steps that every Automatic Speech Recognition software conducts to identify and deconstruct your speech for analysis and reaction are as follows: 

Let’s understand its working process; 

Imagine you’re in an amazing ice cream shop, and want to dictate a sweet message to your close friend using a speech-to-text feature on your smartphone. Your voice captured by the microphone is automatically sent to the ASR system.

When an ASR system receives the audio data, it removes background noise or echoes for better quality. Afterward, the audio is split into smaller segments known as phonemes.

Well, to identify these phonemes, ASR technology uses advanced algorithms and matches them to their corresponding words.  Factors like context, grammar, and language models are taken into consideration to improve accuracy.

For example, if you say “I scream, you scream”, the ASR system will identify the famous saying “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream”.

Finally, the ASR system outputs the transcribed text using voice commands.

What is ASR used for in contact centers?

ASR technology is embraced by customer support services to streamline their operations and deliver better experiences for both customers and agents.

Let’s find out some valuable applications that ASR technology consists of within contact centers;

Real-time Transcription

ASR generates real-time transcription of customer-agent communication. Call transcription can automate after-call work in call centers. Mostly contact centers optimize this data to better agent performance, ensure smooth workflows, and enhance customer satisfaction. Real-time transcription provides access to users to extract detailed analysis of insights, and trends and monitor the quality of each customer interaction.

Speech analysis

ASR delegates the transcribed analysis conducted with the customer. Speech analytics may analyze and evaluate the tones and conversation subjects of both agents and consumers, giving agents suggestions for more effective problem-solving. Contact centers maximize the power of this application to identify and understand their top contact drivers by keyword detection in conversations.

Routing calls

Automatic Speech recognition technology recognizes spoken words and supports multilingual ness and that’s why it understands the purpose of the call, ensuring proper call directing to the agent. Customer calls can be efficiently routed to the most appropriate agent or department, ensuring better call efficiency.

Interactive Voice Systems

ASR technology holds a great integration option with intelligent virtual assistants, providing self-service options. IVR systems assist agents in collecting customer interactions in real-time. An automated telephone system allows customers to navigate through automated menus using spoken commands.

Regulatory compliance

ASR adheres to regulations, internal policies, and quality assurance standards. Automation transcribing calls assists contact centers in reviewing and analyzing interactions, thereby easily identifying compliance violations. ASR technology aids in quality monitoring and regular compliance by transcribing customer call recordings.


With further advancements in ASR technology, we may anticipate even more seamless speech recognition incorporation into our daily lives, simplifying our interactions with technology and creating new avenues for accessibility and communication.

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