
What is a CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Score and How is It Measured?

Understanding Customer Satisfaction Scores

Any organization would like to maintain control over situations such as getting negative remarks from customers or having customers depart over unpleasant interactions. 

Interestingly, how can one stop matters like that from heading out of the loop? 

By monitoring customer satisfaction at every stage of the customer journey, you can determine when to resolve issues and implement solutions to keep customers delighted.

A profitable enterprise is contingent upon maintaining satisfied customers. Here’s how to deploy the CSAT metric to measure and track it.

What is the Customer satisfaction score known for? 

A customer satisfaction score, also referred to as a CSAT, is a customer service indicator developed to determine how satisfied consumers are with the goods or services offered by a business. In simple terms, CSAT is a type of survey methodology that measures the level of customer satisfaction like how much they are happy with your product/services. 

But when it comes to the CSAT score, what does that mean? Well, it’s simple, Customer satisfaction score refers to a numerical measure or say it quantifies the level of contentment/ satisfaction of customers after interacting with your business’s product/services. 

How do you measure CSAT? 

A quick &  standardized formula is used for calculating the CSAT, or customer satisfaction score.  

Generally, it is measured in the following manner: 

What is a good CSAT Score? 

As a rule, a CSAT score of 80% or more is considered excellent. It shows that most of your customers are really happy with the aspect of your business that the CSAT survey was used to evaluate. Positive word-of-mouth and customer loyalty are encouraged at this level of satisfaction.  

CSAT results in the 70–80% range are regarded as satisfactory. Businesses in this category need to pinpoint areas that need improvement and prioritize executing incremental changes at each stage. 

5 ways to improve your CSAT Score 

Every business wants to have a good CSAT score, which is why we’ve added a few helpful tips on how to improve your business’s score as well!

#1. Looking for an advanced CRM system

Investing in a reliable CRM system could impact your customer service. A CRM system facilitates tracking all customer interactions, preferences, and feedback to provide a complete picture of the customer journey.

More intelligent selections and personalized support are made available by this data, improving satisfaction ratings.

#2. Slow down your response time

Businesses can abandon customers’ trust and loyalty due to slow assistance response times. Customers are often frustrated, and their poor rating of satisfaction is due to an insufficient response speed.

Deliver customers with support selections, such as messages or callbacks, and be transparent about wait times to prevent customer annoyance.

#3. Set up an omnichannel  support tool 

Setting up a seamless customer service system that works across multiple interaction channels may greatly improve customer satisfaction. 

To access customer data throughout every channel, integrate multiple types of communication channels, such as social media chat, phone calls, and email. Make use of data about customers to personalize interactions and develop an omnichannel customer experience

#4. Make available self-service options

Expand the knowledge base materials accessible to customers to assist them resolve difficulties and discover solutions to their concerns on their own, thereby improving their overall satisfaction.

According to Customer Experience Trends Report 2023,

37% of consumers feel frustrated when they are unable to access self-service tools or cannot individually handle an ordinary issue.

#5. Send out feedback at the right point of contact

Your CSAT survey will pop up when it is relevant to a specific interaction in the customer journey if you send feedback contextually. This could occur after a customer’s successful completion of a specific action for which you are looking for feedback.

More reliable information is generated by this real-time approach, which captures freshly stated, unfiltered customer feedback.


Your business’s customer satisfaction score is like a superhero; seek and act upon customer feedback often to create a customer-centric workplace. If you’re ready to put your customers first and respond to their needs, it’s time to put the knowledge into action. Make your CSAT survey in a couple of minutes, and start collecting ratings on customer satisfaction!

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