
Do’s and Don’t while using Ringless Voicemail

Do's-and-Don't-while-using-Ringless-Voicemail Drops

Mike: Hey James, Yesterday I got a notification “You got a Voicemail” and when I checked it was from you, but I found you didn’t call me. What’s Going on???

Have you had any similar instances happen to you??

Then Check what James said.

James: Buddy, it’s Called Ringless Voicemail

Mike: Ohh!!! Good move buddy. It will be a good tool for my business too. Can you help me to understand more about it? How and When to use and what to do and what not to do when using?

James: Sure.

Why to use Ringless Voicemail?

Nowadays everybody wants to have information but no one is ready to get disturbed for that. Then how to make them available with the information that they should have to make decisions without entering into their private space? Then Ringless Voicemail is the solution.

When to use Ringless Voicemail?

If you don’t want to disturb your clients or prospects and still want to reach them then try this technology.

Do’s and Don’t when using Ringless Voicemail

Always use the Opt-in data to send Voicemails:

Make sure whenever you send Voicemail you upload the data that is Opt-in data or it should be scrubbed with National DNC Registered list.

Don’t keep your Voicemail too lengthy:

Keep in mind that you are using Ringless Voicemail Drops as you don’t want to disturb them in their busy schedule and to waste their important time. So keep your Voicemail to the point, short and sweet but covering all the things which you want to tell them.

Introduce yourself properly and clearly:

What if the client doesn’t recognize you? To whom they will reach back?? So please introduce yourself properly and clearly. In a few cases, It will also help them to decide whether the voicemail is worth it for them or not.

Always Mention “What is in it for Customer”:

If customers feel that there is nothing related to them or related to something which could be useful to them, they will not come back to you. So never forget to underline “what is in it for Customer” who is listening.

Don’t forget to mention Call back number:

Don’t forget to mention your Call back number on which they can reach back to you if they are interested after listening to your voicemail. In fact, it is advisable to repeat the call back number twice to leave an impression in their mind.

Don’t simply read the script while recording your Voicemail:

You should sound Natural then scripted, to build connections with the listener.

Don’t be too fast and too Slow while recording:

Your Speed while recording voicemail shouldn’t be too fast to confuse or too slow to bore the listener.

For more detailed use cases of ringless voicemail for your specific industry, check out our industry page or get in touch with our team at support@leadsrain.com.

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